I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican DaughterI Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika L. Sánchez
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I want all my English Comp students to read this. I want all my Intro to Creative Writing students to read this. I want them to see how Ericka L. Sánchez was able to create a novel that, yes, it´s about the daughter of immigrants and yes has to deal with all the common issues of any teenager, but YES it is also about the construction of identity and the weight of life. This is not a perfect novel, but it certainly is an honest and beautiful attempt to represent what it is like to grow up with two languages, two cultures, and way too many expectations.

I especially like the subtle glimpse to issues such as violence in México as well as race and gender issues; all of it beautifully woven into the eyes and words of Julia the protagonist who, oh yeah, you will definitely engage with.

A must for today’s young adults.

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