Como cuando Gornick encuentra en Ginzburg lo que yo encuentro en ella y no puedo más que citarla y pedirles que lean este párrafo y en vez de Natalia Ginzburg (o además de Ginzburg) digan Vivian Gornick ra rá rá

“A writer whose work has often made me love life more is Natalia Ginzburg. Reading her, as I have repeatedly over many years, I experience the exhilaration that comes with being intellectually reminded that one is a sentient being. First time around, my eyes were opened to something important about who I was at the moment of reading; later, to who or what I was becoming. But then I lived long enough to feel a stranger to myself—no one more surprised than me that I turned out to be who I am—and reading Ginzburg again has provided solace as well as revelation.”

Vivian Gornick

(you can read the whole article, here)

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